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作者:[美]兰迪·罗尔夫 中国青年出版社出版 定价:学前教育/上海托幼/母子健康西安4~7G51幼儿教育导读钱井木20042004教育宝宝,不仅仅是给予他生理和心理发展所需的衣食住行和关怀培养。看护好、照料好宝宝,使其免受意外和不测的伤害也非常重要。人才/人才观/职业教育基金项目:本文是全国教育科学“十五”规划教育部青年专项课题“非经济因素影响欠发达地区中等职业教育发展的研究”(EJA010455)的成果之一。罗峰
罗峰 男(1972-)上海行政学院行政学教研部讲师。 ZHUANG Xi-zhen
(Nanjing Normal University, NanJing 210097, China)The function of vocational education promoting to social progress and economic development is clear to all, but the condition of the less developed regions' middle vocational and technical education is not satisfied. People is very attention to what factor effect the normal development of the less developed regions' vocational education. The paper inquires the people's attitude of vocational education live in the less developed regions, the paper believes that people attitude very effect the middle vocational and technical education, the different attitude to vocational education will impel the human people to make different decision and selection.钱井木仕 整 作者:学前教育/上海托幼/母子健康西安4~7G51幼儿教育导读钱井木20042004教育宝宝,不仅仅是给予他生理和心理发展所需的衣食住行和关怀培养。看护好、照料好宝宝,使其免受意外和不测的伤害也非常重要。人才/人才观/职业教育基金项目:本文是全国教育科学“十五”规划教育部青年专项课题“非经济因素影响欠发达地区中等职业教育发展的研究”(EJA010455)的成果之一。罗峰
罗峰 男(1972-)上海行政学院行政学教研部讲师。
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