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is there a way to take a screenshot of the active window using mono under Linux ?
Thanks in advance
Copyright (C) 2011 Me. You can use my code under the terms of the LGPL.
Normally, you could just use the below code:
public static void GetScreenshot(System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pbThisPictureBox)
System.Drawing.Rectangle rectScreenBounds = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.GetBounds();
System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpScreenshot = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(rectScreenBounds.Width, rectScreenBounds.Height);
using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenshot))
g.CopyFromScreen(System.Drawing.Point.Empty, System.Drawing.Point.Empty, rectScreenBounds.Size);
} // End Using g
pbThisPictureBox.Image = bmpScreenshot;
} // End Sub GetScreenshot
seems to be buggy (width is wrong [too long, for example 5000px instead of 800], so CopyFromScreen throws an Exception). So I created the C# Xorg API, with a little help from the TAO Framework source that I found via Google. (The API is for far more than just screen dimensions, e.g. mouse, etc)
Screenshot class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Tools.Graphics
class ScreenShot
// http://www.eggheadcafe.com/tutorials/aspnet/064b41e4-60bc-4d35-9136-368603bcc27a/7zip-lzma-inmemory-com.aspx
protected static System.Drawing.Rectangle rectScreenBounds = GetScrBounds();
//protected System.Drawing.Rectangle rectScreenBounds = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.GetBounds(System.Drawing.Point.Empty);
protected static System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpScreenshot = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1);
protected static System.Drawing.Rectangle GetXorgScreen()
int screen_width = 0;
int screen_height = 0;
IntPtr display = Xorg.API.XOpenDisplay(System.IntPtr.Zero);
if (display == IntPtr.Zero)
Console.WriteLine("Error: Failed on XOpenDisplay.\n");
screen_width = Xorg.API.DisplayWidth(display, Xorg.API.XDefaultScreen(display));
screen_height = Xorg.API.DisplayHeight(display, Xorg.API.XDefaultScreen(display));
Console.WriteLine("Width: " + screen_width.ToString() + " Height: " + screen_height.ToString());
} // End Else (display == IntPtr.Zero)
return new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, screen_width, screen_height);
} // End Function GetXorgScreen
protected static System.Drawing.Rectangle GetScrBounds()
// Wouldn't be necessary if GetBounds on mono wasn't buggy.
if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix)
return GetXorgScreen();
return System.Windows.Forms.Screen.GetBounds(System.Drawing.Point.Empty);
} // End Function GetScrBounds
// http://jalpesh.blogspot.com/2007/06/how-to-take-screenshot-in-c.html
// Tools.Graphics.ScreenShot.GetScreenshot();
public static System.Drawing.Bitmap GetScreenshot()
if (this.pictureBox1.Image != null)
bmpScreenshot = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(rectScreenBounds.Width, rectScreenBounds.Height);
using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenshot))
g.CopyFromScreen(System.Drawing.Point.Empty, System.Drawing.Point.Empty, rectScreenBounds.Size);
} // End Using g
return bmpScreenshot;
} // End Function GetScreenshotImage
// http://jalpesh.blogspot.com/2007/06/how-to-take-screenshot-in-c.html
// Tools.Graphics.ScreenShot.GetScreenshot(this.PictureBox1);
public static void GetScreenshot(System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pbThisPictureBox)
if (this.pictureBox1.Image != null)
bmpScreenshot = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(rectScreenBounds.Width, rectScreenBounds.Height);
using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenshot))
g.CopyFromScreen(System.Drawing.Point.Empty, System.Drawing.Point.Empty, rectScreenBounds.Size);
} // End Using g
pbThisPictureBox.Image = bmpScreenshot;
} // End Sub GetScreenshot
// http://jalpesh.blogspot.com/2007/06/how-to-take-screenshot-in-c.html
// Tools.Graphics.ScreenShot.SaveScreenshot(@"C:\Users\Stefan.Steiger.COR\Desktop\test.jpg");
public static void SaveScreenshot(string strFileNameAndPath)
System.Drawing.Rectangle rectBounds = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.GetBounds(System.Drawing.Point.Empty);
using (System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpScreenshotBitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(rectBounds.Width, rectBounds.Height))
using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenshotBitmap))
g.CopyFromScreen(System.Drawing.Point.Empty, System.Drawing.Point.Empty, rectBounds.Size);
} // End Using g
bmpScreenshotBitmap.Save(strFileNameAndPath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
} // End Using
} // End Sub SaveScreenshot
} // End Class ScreenShot
} // End Namespace Tools.Graphics
And the Xorg API I created:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Xorg.Structs;
// http://www.koders.com/csharp/fid5A7CBAABE4E399E1BED8C2C2FB6E1B36C289628D.aspx?s=zoom#L293
namespace Xorg
// http://www.koders.com/csharp/fidFC528FE04222FE631D31990CC4B30889DB6ACCA8.aspx?s=socket
public class API
internal enum EventMask
NoEventMask = 0,
KeyPressMask = 1<<0,
KeyReleaseMask = 1<<1,
ButtonPressMask = 1<<2,
ButtonReleaseMask = 1<<3,
EnterWindowMask = 1<<4,
LeaveWindowMask = 1<<5,
PointerMotionMask = 1<<6,
PointerMotionHintMask = 1<<7,
Button1MotionMask = 1<<8,
Button2MotionMask = 1<<9,
Button3MotionMask = 1<<10,
Button4MotionMask = 1<<11,
Button5MotionMask = 1<<12,
ButtonMotionMask = 1<<13,
KeymapStateMask = 1<<14,
ExposureMask = 1<<15,
VisibilityChangeMask = 1<<16,
StructureNotifyMask = 1<<17,
ResizeRedirectMask = 1<<18,
SubstructureNotifyMask = 1<<19,
SubstructureRedirectMask= 1<<20,
FocusChangeMask = 1<<21,
PropertyChangeMask = 1<<22,
ColormapChangeMask = 1<<23,
OwnerGrabButtonMask = 1<<24
protected const string m_strSharedObjectName = "libX11";
protected const string m_strSharedObjectName_Video = "libXxf86vm";
// For AIX shared object, use "dump -Tv /path/to/foo.o"
// For an ELF shared library, use "readelf -s /path/to/libfoo.so"
// or (if you have GNU nm) "nm -D /path/to/libfoo.so"
// For a Windows DLL, use "dumpbin /EXPORTS foo.dll".
// nm -D $(locate libX11 | sed '/\/usr\/lib/!d;' | grep ".so$")
// nm -D $(locate "libX11.so" | grep ".so$")
// nm -D $(locate "libX11.so" | grep ".so$") | grep "DisplayHeight"
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XOpenDisplay")]
internal extern static IntPtr XOpenDisplay(IntPtr display);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XDefaultScreen")]
internal extern static int XDefaultScreen(IntPtr display);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XDisplayHeight")]
internal extern static int DisplayHeight(IntPtr display, int screen_number);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XDisplayWidth")]
internal extern static int DisplayWidth(IntPtr display, int screen_number);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XRootWindow")]
internal extern static IntPtr XRootWindow(IntPtr display, int screen_number);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XCloseDisplay")]
internal extern static int XCloseDisplay(IntPtr display);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XSynchronize")]
internal extern static IntPtr XSynchronize(IntPtr display, bool onoff);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XGrabServer")]
internal extern static void XGrabServer(IntPtr display);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XUngrabServer")]
internal extern static void XUngrabServer(IntPtr display);
internal extern static int XFlush(IntPtr display);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XFree")]
internal extern static int XFree(IntPtr data);
//[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XSendEvent")]
//internal extern static int XSendEvent(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, bool propagate, IntPtr event_mask, ref XEvent send_event);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XSendEvent")]
internal extern static int XSendEvent(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, bool propagate, int event_mask, ref XEvent send_event);
//[DllImport (m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint="XSendEvent")]
//internal extern static int XSendEvent(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, bool propagate, EventMask event_mask, ref XEvent send_event);
//internal extern static int XSendEvent(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, bool propagate, EventMask event_mask, ref XClientMessageEvent send_event);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XQueryPointer")]
internal extern static bool XQueryPointer(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, out IntPtr root, out IntPtr child, out int root_x, out int root_y, out int win_x, out int win_y, out int keys_buttons);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XWarpPointer")]
internal extern static uint XWarpPointer(IntPtr display, IntPtr src_w, IntPtr dest_w, int src_x, int src_y, uint src_width, uint src_height, int dest_x, int dest_y);
[DllImport(m_strSharedObjectName, EntryPoint = "XGetWindowProperty")]
internal extern static int XGetWindowProperty(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, IntPtr atom, IntPtr long_offset, IntPtr long_length, bool delete, IntPtr req_type, out IntPtr actual_type, out int actual_format, out IntPtr nitems, out IntPtr bytes_after, ref IntPtr prop);
} // End Class Mouse
} // End Namespace Xorg
The structs you find here: http://www.koders.com/csharp/fid285D7FCDE1D18AFAE02DF16B57B246C89F4C74C1.aspx?s=zoom#L1031
You need to rename:
namespace Tao.Platform.X11
namespace Xorg.Structs
and clip only the active window using it's size and position?
stackoverflow 2013-08-31 23:15:38