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Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, and Faith in the New China

Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, and Faith in the New China
作者:Evan Osnos   

A vibrant, colorful, and revelatory inner history of China during a moment of profound transformation
From abroad, we often see China as a caricature: a nation of pragmatic plutocrats and ruthlessly dedicated students destined to rule the global economy—or an addled Goliath, riddled with corruption and on the edge of stagnation. What we don’t see is how both powerful and ordinary people are remaking their lives as their country dramatically changes.
     As the Beijing correspondent for The New Yorker, Evan Osnos was on the ground in China for years, witness to profound political, economic, and cultural upheaval. In Age of Ambition, he describes the greatest collision taking place in that country: the clash between the rise of the individual and the Communist Party’s struggle to retain control. He asks probing questions: Why does a government with more success lifting people from poverty than any civilization in history choose to put strict restraints on freedom of expression? Why do millions of young Chinese professionals—fluent in English and devoted to Western pop culture—consider themselves “angry youth,” dedicated to resisting the West’s influence? How are Chinese from all strata finding meaning after two decades of the relentless pursuit of wealth?
作为驻北京的《纽约客》记者,Evans Osnos在中国的大地上生活已经好几年了,他见证了这里的深层的政治、经济和文化的变动。在《雄心壮志的时代》一书中,他描述了中国最大的一次动乱:个人独裁和共产党之间的政权斗争。他提出了一些深入尖锐的问题:为什么一个比历史上任何国家都要成功得将人民从贫困中脱离出来的政府要如此限制言论自由呢?为什么数以万计的中国年轻才俊能够流利的说一口英语并且献身于西方主流文化,却认为他们自己是“愤青”,坚持抵制西方文化影响呢?各个阶层的中国是如何让在这二十多年盲目追求财富之后重新拾回生活的意义的?
     Writing with great narrative verve and a keen sense of irony, Osnos follows the moving stories of everyday people and reveals life in the new China to be a battleground between aspiration and authoritarianism, in which only one can prevail.

Editorial Reviews


"In the pages of the New Yorker, Evan Osnos has portrayed, explained and poked fun at this new China better than any other writer from the West or the East. In Age of Ambition, Osnos takes his reporting a step further, illuminating what he calls China’s Gilded Age, its appetites, challenges and dilemmas, in a way few have done." —John Pomfret, Washington Post

“在《纽约客》的文章中,Evan Osnos(欧逸文)比任何来自东方或西方的作者都更好地描绘、解释和讽刺了这个新中国。在本书中,Osnos将他的报道更深入了一步,从一种其他人从未尝试的角度解释了什么是他认为的中国的‘镀金时代’,以及这个时代的抱负、挑战和困境。”——John Pomfret,《华盛顿邮报》

“Age of Ambition is… a riveting and troubling portrait of a people in a state of extreme anxiety about their identity, values and future, [and] a China rived by moral crisis and explosive frustration.” —Judith Shapiro, New York Times
“《雄心壮志的年代》是……一幅令人着迷而困惑的肖像画 ,它描绘了一群对身份、价值观和未来感到极度焦虑的人,以及一个被道德危机和爆炸般的失落情绪困扰的中国。”—— Judith Shapiro,《纽约时报》 

"For those new to China, Mr Osnos beautifully portrays the nation in all its craziness, providing a ringside seat for the greatest show on earth." —The Economist


"Beautifully written ... an absolute must-read."  —Edward Steinfeld, Harvard Magazine

“优美的文字……绝对的必读。”—— Edward Steinfeld ,《哈佛杂志》
“China's Gilded Age has been every bit as fascinating, colorful and tragic as our own — and [Osnos] offers an engrossing account of it… [He] understands the depths of the transformations, the complexity of the contradictions, and the fragility of the overall enterprise.”— Chicago Tribune 


"Evan Osnos ... has put his keen insight and intrepid research skills to use in his exploration of the internal intellectual and spiritual infrastructure of China's rise.”—Dan Blumenthal, The National Interest

“Evan Osnos将他敏锐的观察力和强悍的调查能力运用到了对中国崛起的内部智慧和精神基础的探索上。”——Dan Blumenthal,《国家利益》
“[Osnos] adeptly chronicles… China's 35-year journey from poverty and collective dogmatism to a dynamic if cut-throat era of competition, self-promotion and materialism.”—Julie Makinen, Los Angeles Times

“Osnos流畅地记述了……中国35年从贫穷和集体教条主义到充满活力却竞争残酷、自我推销、物质主义的过程。”——Julie Makinen,《洛杉矶时报》
“Age of Ambition [is] eloquent and comprehensive…” —Jonathan Mirsky, New York Times Book Review

“《雄心壮志的年代》意味深长而且包括罗万象。”——Jonathan Mirsky,《纽约时报书评》
"Age of Ambition is a splendid and entertaining picture of 21st-century China…”—Michael Fathers, Wall Street Journal

“《雄心壮志的年代》是一部壮丽迷人的21世纪中国图景。”——Michael Fathers,《华尔街日报》
"Evan Osnos gives us twenty-first-century China the way the best American journalists gave us the Gilded Age—he introduces us to outsized characters, tells tales of aspiration, success, and defeat, rakes the muck of corruption and repression, and captures the tremendous energy, as well as the darker impulses, of a society in the throes of a historic transformation." —George Packer, author of The Assassins' Gate and The Unwinding
“Evan Osnos就像最好的美国记者给我们《镀金时代》那样给我们21世纪的中国——他将放大的特征介绍给我们,讲述关于抱负、成功和失败的故事,扒开腐败专制的沼泥,并且捕捉到了在历史变革的阵痛中黑暗的压迫【译:不确定是不是这意思】和那些惊人的力量。”——乔治·帕克,《刺客之门》和《循环》的作者

"The very hardest thing to convey about modern China is the combination of hope and despair, idealism and crassness, coordinated mass action and chaotic individual scheming, that you encounter each day. Evan Osnos has captured all parts of this disorienting 'reality,' but he has done so much more. Beautifully written, humane but critical-minded, funny on every page, Age of Ambition offers a better understanding of China's process of 'becoming' than most people could ever gain by living there. China veterans and amateurs alike will find it an illuminating and delightful read." —James Fallows, author of China Airborne

“解读现代中国最困难的事莫过于讲清它希望和绝望混合,理想主义和低级趣味并存,协调的集体行动和混乱的个人意识兼有(的特点),就像你每天碰到的一样。Evan Osnos捕捉到了所有这些令人迷惑的‘现实‘,但他做的更多。优美的文字,人道主义但批判的观点,每页都有的幽默,《雄心壮志的年代》通过实地生活经验提供了绝大多数人都无法获得的对中国‘变迁’的更佳理解。中国研究专家和爱好者会发现阅读这本书是一次充满启发且十分愉快的经历。”——詹姆斯·法洛斯,《中国航空》的作者 

"How often have travelers asked: 'What is the one book about China that I should read before I depart?' Alas, for years I have had no good answer to this question. But now, Evan Osnos has provided a stellar candidate. Wonderfully engaging, readable and informative, this vivid tableau of actors from all walks of Chinese life goes a long way to helping us make sense out of the often confusing complexity that is today's China." —Orville Schell, coauthor of Wealth and Power: China's Long March to the Twenty-first Century

“很多旅行者都会问:‘到底哪本关于中国的书是我在离开前应该读的?’唉,在很多年中我都不知道这个问题的最佳答案。但现在,Evan Osnos提供了一流的候选。极其吸引人又可读又信息量巨大,由各行各业的中国人的生活组成的生动的图景为我们了解现代中国常令人一头雾水的复杂性提供了很大帮助。”——Orville Schell,《财富与权力:中国通往21世纪的漫长征途》联合作者
"The best book on China I've ever read. Witty, indispensable, and often moving. I look forward to stealing Evan Osnos's wisdom and passing it off as my own for years to come." —Gary Shteyngart, author of Little Failure and Super Sad True Love Story
“我读过的最棒的关于中国的书。诙谐、必读,而且经常很感人。我期望把Evan Osnos的智慧偷过来并且换掉我自己的。”—— 加里·施特恩加特 ,《小小的失败:一部自传》和《爱在长生不老时》作者

“The rise of China is the biggest story of the past twenty-five years. Evan Osnos captures the country in all its striving, thunderous diversity, through a narrative that moves, provokes, and makes us laugh. Age of Ambition is a marvel of great reporting, careful thinking, and powerful writing.” —Dexter Filkins, author of The Forever War

“中国的崛起是过去的25年最大的故事。 Evan Osnos捕捉到了这个国家的奋斗和巨大的多样性,通过叙述让我们感动、愤怒、发笑。《雄心壮志的年代》是伟大的报道、审慎的思考和强有力的文笔结合的奇迹。”—— Dexter Filkins,《永远的战争》作者
“For most of a decade, Evan Osnos has been one of the most energetic, skilled, and thoughtful observers of China. Whether he's accompanying Chinese tourists to the Best Western in Luxembourg or watching Ai Weiwei blur the lines between performance and protest, Osnos is always engaging. This is a wonderful book.” —Peter Hessler, author of River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze and Country Driving: A Chinese Road Trip

“在过去十年的大部分时间中,Evan Osnos都是中国观察家中最有活力、最有技巧,也思考最深的。无论是陪着中国游客去卢森堡的‘最佳西方’酒店,还是目睹艾未未模糊了表演和抗议的界限,Osnos一直都在参与。这是一本非常好的书。”——彼得·海斯勒(何伟),《江城:长江边的两年》和《寻路中国》的作者
“If you have time to read only one book about China today, read this one. Woven from vignettes of Chinese life at many different levels, it provides unerring insights into what makes the Chinese the people they are while wearing its learning so lightly that the narrative never flags. It should be in every tourist’s baggage and every diplomat’s library.”—Philip Short, author of Mao: A Life

“如果你只有时间阅读一本关于今天的中国的书,看这本吧。由不同层次地从中国人的生活中抽出的素材编织而成,这本书准确无误地指出了中国人为什么是中国人,同时不露痕迹地在叙述中显露出了作者渊博的学识。它应该在每个旅行者的背包里和外交官的书库里。”—— 菲利普·肖特,《毛泽东传》作者

About the Author



Evan Osnos is a staff writer at The New Yorker, where he served as the China correspondent from 2008 to 2013. He is the winner of two Overseas Press Club awards and the Asia Society's Osborn Elliott Prize for Excellence in Journalism on Asia. Previously, he worked at the Chicago Tribune, where he was part of a team that won the Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting in 2008. He lives in Washington, D.C.

Evan Osnos(欧逸文)是《纽约客》的特约撰稿人,曾于2008到2013年任该报驻华记者。他是两届海外出版俱乐部奖的获得者和《亚洲社会》奥斯本·埃利奥特奖的“亚洲最佳记者奖”【没有找到这两个奖的官方翻译】。先前他在《芝加哥论坛报》工作,在那里他所在的团队因2008年的投资报道获得了普利策新闻奖。他住在华盛顿特区。

Most Helpful Customer Reviews  
A rare balance
By Oracle of Adelphi 


China books seem especially tricky to write, because the writer has to please two very different types of American reader: the one who has a great deal of experience with China, and the one who does not. The first reader cringes if he has to read yet another description of how Shenzhen used to be a fishing village; but the second reader can't really understand Shenzhen unless you explain this fact. (As a strange hybrid of these two readers -- I lived in Chinabut have no deep expertise in its history -- I often experience the worst of both worlds.)
This book strikes a rare balance. It's a very absorbing read, and its multiple story-lines are impressively woven together, without any of the stitches showing. The people Osnos writes about run the gamut from a public figure like Lin Yifu (the World Bank economist who defected to mainland China from Taiwan in 1979) to an obscure figure like Michael Zhang, a young energetic optimist whom Osnos first meets at a Crazy English conference and then follows for a few years. (Zhang turns into one of the most interesting characters in the book.)

Osnos tells all these individual stories against the backdrop of most of the major events in China of the last five years: the violence in Xinjiang, the Liu Xiaobo fiasco, the "Jasmine" events of 2011, Ai Weiwei's ordeal, the flight of Chen Guangcheng, the Bo Xilai scandal, the bullet train crash, and so on. You learn a great deal about all these events, but the book is anchored in its very humane profiles of individual Chinese who are trying to make their lives better.

A great look at sociological shifts in modern China

By W. Sherer 
If you've been following Osnos's New Yorker pieces, you know he has a gift for finding seemingly eccentric anecdotes and using them to explain a larger point. In this new book, he takes that a step further and illustrates the overwhelming social change that has taken place in China over the past fifty years through the experiences of individuals that have lived through it. It's a wonderfully readable blend of idiosyncratic stories and insightful analysis that brings any reader, whether new to the topic or an experienced China watcher, a greater understanding of this emerging force in world events.



a book for Americans
By TracyF 
I am a Chinese in the USA. An American friend recommended this Age of Ambition to me, saying it's amazing. But I found myself almost gave up when I read the first chapter on the Taiwan defector Lin Zhengyi. This is a story you can find on wikipedia, and lots of Chinese are very familiar with Lin Zhengyi too. I guess Americans will find it interesting, never mind. I decided to read on since I liked the writing style. The people and their stories in this book are nothing new to me. Even Ai Weiwei's part, I would just go to watch the movie Never Say Sorry again. The more I read, the more I think something is missing. Seems Mr. Even Osnos is keen on predicting the future of China. But the characters in his book are not representing the whole picture. I am not saying Hu Shuli, Lin Zhengyi or Han Han are passé, just the grass-root young strivers in the book are not those who are more likely to take over the throne. China is a elite society, even if you don't like the children of the officials, of the rich business men's, the truth is they are educated(some overseas) and have resources. They are more likely to govern the country in the future. I don't know why there is no voice from this group. If you are talking about ambitions, without input from that group, the picture of new China the author draws is just not completed. But again, for those who don't live in China, or never experience the culture, it's a good read.

lots of fascinating grass roots stories.

By Perry M. Smith
This book is well worth your time since it gets down in the weeds and gives a feel the person on the street in various parts of China. Osnos's interest in China's youth is especially enlightening. China's youth of 25 years ago is much different and more diverse than China's youth today--many camps, some very chauvinistic, others highly critical of the government. A better title might have been Age of Aspiration or Age of Expectation.


这本书很适合在草坪上躺着,感受形形色色的中国。Osnos对中国年轻人的启蒙十分感兴趣。25年前中国的年轻人和现在对比差距巨大-在方方面面上,比如:有些盲目爱国,有些则对政府高度不满。我想标题改成这样会比较好:愿望的年代 ,或是期望的年代。
Excellent contemporary book on China

By Sandman
Wonderful vignettes provide a great insight into modern day China. I have visited the country a number of times over the years and this is the best book I have read about the country in years.
I agree with one of the reviewers though, it would have been nice if there was something in there about the princelings who currently study in the US, and will be the next leaders of that country.


densely packed stories of contemporary China

By NYCloafing
Great book for those curious about what China is really like after over thirty years of rapid development. The book moves smoothly from one character to another and then back, weaving a rich and complex tapestry of contemporary Chinese society.
For people who watch China closely, many of the stories in the book are not new -- Ai Weiwei and Chen Guangchen, for example. Still, Osnos does a wonderful job contrasting these individual stories to draw out the bigger themes. As China continues to rise and seemingly challenge US interests increasingly openly, we need more books like this one to better understand a nation of 1.3 billion people who are agitating for change.


What you learn from it‘

By Mirhashem Ziai
I found the book very informative and interesting. Apparently, Evan has spent lots of risky hours and days in China... But I wish he would omit some unnecessary detail.
I recommend this book to every American to learn about "Ambition" and "Endurance."


Excellent contemporary book on China

By Sandman
Wonderful vignettes provide a great insight into modern day China. I have visited the country a number of times over the years and this is the best book I have read about the country in years.
I agree with one of the reviewers though, it would have been nice if there was something in there about the princelings who currently study in the US, and will be the next leaders of that country.

densely packed stories of contemporary China
By NYCloafing

Great book for those curious about what China is really like after over thirty years of rapid development. The book moves smoothly from one character to another and then back, weaving a rich and complex tapestry of contemporary Chinese society.



For people who watch China closely, many of the stories in the book are not new -- Ai Weiwei and Chen Guangchen, for example. Still, Osnos does a wonderful job contrasting these individual stories to draw out the bigger themes. AsChina continues to rise and seemingly challenge US interests increasingly openly, we need more books like this one to better understand a nation of 1.3 billion people who are agitating for change.



What you learn from it

shem Ziai

I found the book very informative and interesting. Apparently, Evan has spent lots of risky hours and days in China... But I wish he would omit some unnecessary detail.
I recommend this book to every American to learn about "Ambition" and "Endurance."



What you learn from it
By Mirhashem Ziai
I found the book very informative and interesting. Apparently, Evan has spent lots of risky hours and days in China... But I wish he would omit some unnecessary detail.
I recommend this book to every American to learn about "Ambition" and "Endurance."

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