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Bill Gates(微软公司创始人,前世界首富)、 Mark Zuckberg(Facebook 创始人,最年轻的亿万富翁之一)、 Chris Bosh(NBA 全明星球员,曾效力多伦多猛龙队,目前迈阿密热火队的主力大前锋), I.Am.Will(超级R&B说唱乐队”黒眼豆豆”的创始人和主唱)……要把这些领域横跨 IT 界,体育界和娱乐界的大腕们聚集在一起拍宣传片,你觉得要花多少钱? 不管这个事情可能性多么低,困难性多么大,有一家叫做 Code.org 的公益性教育网站做到了。Code.org 真的把一大票身价不菲的明星们聚在了一起,拍了一部名为《编程,学校不会交给你的课程》的广告宣传片,为其在全美国推行的在线编程学习服务大大地做了一次宣传!



  在时长为 5 分 44 秒的宣传片中,首先打出的字幕是已故的苹果前传奇 CEO 史蒂夫乔布斯的语录——“我觉得这个国家的每个人都应该学习编程,因为它可以告诉你如何思考。”,接着,各位明星依次出场,分别回忆了自己初次接触计算机编程的趣闻和感受。除了回忆之外,各位明星更是阐述了自己对编程这门技术的看法:编程很有趣,编程不像想象中那么难,而且随着计算机的全面普及,编程已经是人类不可回避的一门技术了。宣传片的最后,制作人通过数据告诉观众,美国每年有 100 万的重要职位空缺,就是因为找不到合适的软件工程师,而且美国的学校只有十分之一把编程课程列入教学计划之中。Code.org 力图通过本片,让观众充分了解到编程的重要性和市场需求的迫切性,鼓励观众主动向学校和老师申请加入到编程的学习当中,或者,在网上积极地展开自学(当让他们是力推 Code.org 咯!)。

  Code.org 作为一家刚刚成立不久的,带有公益性质的教育类门户站点,肯定是花不起这么大的价钱去请这些各界牛人的。所以各位明星们的加入,肯定都是出于自愿。片中出场的各位牛人在谈论到自己第一次接触到计算机编程时那种双眼放光的得意状态,让每一个热爱编程的观众感同身受。编程是个简单,好玩,有用,能赚大钱,也能改变世界的事情,所以为什么不学呢?在崇拜体育明星,娱乐巨星,企业高管,金融大亨,政治明星的美国主流文化里,会编程的程序员是不是也应该占有一席之地呢?



  作者:伯乐在线 - 黄小非

“Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer… because it teaches you how to think.” – Steve Jobs
“这个国家的每个人都应该学习如何写计算机程序…...因为它教你如何思考。” ——史蒂夫-乔布斯



I was 13 when I first got access to uh… a computer.



My parents bought me a Macintosh in 1984 when I was 8 years old.



I was in 6th grade.



I learned to code in college.



Freshman year, first semester, umm… Intro to Computer Science.



I wrote a program that played Tic-Tac-Toe.



I think it’s pretty humble at beginnings. I think the first program I wrote asked things like “What’s your favorite color?” or “How old are you?”
我认为一开始非常粗糙。我想我写的第一个程序会问像是“什么是你最喜欢的颜色?” 或 “你几岁?” 的问题。



I first learned how to make a green circle, and a red square appeared on the screen.



The first time I actually had something come up and say, “Hello, world!” And it… I made a computer do that, which was astonishing.
我第一次让电脑说出:“Hello, world!” 的时候,那种感觉非常神奇。



Learning how to program didn’t start off as wanting to learn all of computer science or umm… or trying to master this discipline or anything like that. It just started off because I wanted to do this one simple thing: I wanted to make something that was fun for myself and my sisters, and I wrote this little program… and then basically just added a little bit to it. And then when I needed to learn something new, I looked it up, either on a book or on the internet, and then I added a little bit to it.



It’s really not… unlike kinda playing instrument or something, or… or… you know, or playing sports. It starts out being very intimidating, but you kinda get the hang of it over time.



Coding… It is something that can be learned. And I know it can be intimidating… A lot of things are intimidating. But ugh… you know, what isn’t?



A lot of the coding that people do is actually fairly simple. Umm… it’s… it’s more about the process of breaking down problems than… ugh… you know, sort of coming up with complicated algorithms as people traditionally think about it.



You don’t have to be a genius to know how to code. You need to be determined.



Addition, subtractions… that’s about it.



You should probably know your multiplication tables.



You don’t have to be a genius to code. Do you have to be a genius to read?



Even if you want to become a race car driver, or play baseball, umm… or ugh… you know, build a house, all these things have been turned upside down by software.



What it is is, you know, computers are everywhere. Do you wanna work in agriculture? Do you wanna work in entertainment? Do you wanna work in manufacturing? It’s just all over.



Here we are, 2013. We all depends on technology: to communicate, to bank, information…And none of us know how to read and write the code.



When I was in school, I was in this after school group called The Whiz Kids. And when people found out, they just laughted at me. You know all these things. And I was like, “Man, I don’t care. I think it’s cool, and you know, I’m learning a lot, and… some of my friends have jobs.”
当我在学校时,我在这个叫做“天才儿童” 的课后团体。而当人们发现了,他们只是嘲笑我。你知道所有这类的东西。而我像是:“老兄,我不在乎。我认为这很酷,而且你知道啊,我正在学习很多东西,而且…...我有些朋友有工作做。”



Our policy is literally to hire as many talented engineers as we can find. The whole limit in the system is just that there just aren’t enough people who are trained and have these skills today.



To get the very best people, we tried to make the office as awesome as possible.



Fantastic chef… free food… breakfast, lunch and dinner… free laundry… snacks… even places to play video games and scooters.



There is always kind of interesting things around the office, a place where you can play or relax. Umm… or go to think, or play music, or be creative.



Whether you’re trying to make a lot of money, or whether you just wanna change the world, the computer program is an incredibly empowering skill to learn.



I think if someone had told me that… software is really about humanity… that it’s really about helping people by using computer technology, it would have changed my outlook a lot earlier.



To be able to actually come up with an idea and then see it in your hands, and then be able to press a button, and then have it appear in millions of people’s hands, ugh… I mean, I think we’re the first generation in the world that’s really ever had that kind of experience.



Just to think that you can start something in your college dorm room, and you can have a set of people who haven’t built a big company before come together and… build something that a billion people use as a part of their daily lives is… It’s just crazy to think about, right? It’s really… it’s humbling me, and it’s amazing.



The programmers of tomorrow are the wizards of the future. You know, you’re gonna look like you have magic powers compare to everybody else.



It is amazing. It’s… I think it’s the closest thing we have to superpower.



Great coders are today’s rockstars… That’s it!



1 million of the best jobs in America may go unfilled… because only 1 in 10 schools teach students how to code.



Whether you want to be a doctor or a rockstar, ask about a coding class at your school or learn online @ code.org.
不管你想成为博士或摇滚明星,在你的学校查询程序课程或到 code.org 在网络上学习。

伯乐在线 - 黄小非 2013-03-14 09:41:01

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